πŸ”— PCA

The PCA class implements principal components analysis (PCA), a standard machine learning data preparation technique. PCA can be used to reduce the number of dimensions in a dataset, or to preserve a certain percentage of the variance of a dataset.

By default, PCA uses the full exact singular value decomposition (SVD), but supports the use of other more efficient decompositions, including approximate singular value decompositions.

Simple usage example:

// Use PCA to reduce the number of dimensions to 5 on uniform random data.

// This dataset is uniform random in 10 dimensions.
// Replace with a data::Load() call or similar for a real application.
arma::mat dataset(10, 1000, arma::fill::randu); // 1000 points.

mlpack::PCA pca;       // Step 1: create PCA object.
pca.Apply(dataset, 5); // Step 2: reduce data dimension to 5.

// Print some information about the modified dataset.
std::cout << "The transformed data matrix has size " << dataset.n_rows /* 5 */
    << " x " << dataset.n_cols << "." << std::endl;

More examples...

See also:

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Applying Transformations

πŸ”— Simple Examples

See also the simple usage example for a trivial usage of the PCA class.

Apply PCA to a dataset, keeping dimensions that capture 90% of the data variance.

// See https://datasets.mlpack.org/satellite.train.csv.
arma::mat data;
mlpack::data::Load("satellite.train.csv", data, true);
const size_t origDim = data.n_rows;

mlpack::PCA pca;

// Keep 90% of the data variance.
pca.Apply(data, 0.9);

std::cout << "PCA kept " << data.n_rows << " of " << origDim << " dimensions "
    << "to capture 90\% of the data variance." << std::endl;

Apply PCA to a 32-bit floating point dataset with dimension scaling, keeping all dimensions, and printing the 5 largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the transformed data.

// See https://datasets.mlpack.org/iris.csv.
arma::fmat data;
mlpack::data::Load("iris.csv", data, true);

mlpack::PCA pca(true /* scale data when transforming */);

arma::fvec eigval;
arma::fmat transformedData;

pca.Apply(data, transformedData, eigval);

std::cout << "First point, before PCA: " << data.col(0).t();
std::cout << "First point, after PCA:  " << transformedData.col(0).t();
std::cout << std::endl;

// Now print the top 5 eigenvalues.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
  std::cout << "Eigenvalue " << i << ": " << eigval[i] << "." << std::endl;

Apply PCA to a random sparse dataset, to reduce the dimensionality to a 20-dimensional dense dataset.

arma::sp_mat data;
// This dataset has 10k points in 1k dimensions, with 1% density.
data.sprandn(1000, 10000, 0.01);

mlpack::PCA pca(true /* scale data when transforming */);

arma::mat transformedData;
const double varianceRetained = pca.Apply(data, transformedData, 20);

std::cout << "First point, before PCA: " << data.col(0).t();
std::cout << "First point, after PCA: " << transformedData.col(0).t();

// Note that for random uniform data, this won't capture very much of the
// variance!  It would be much more for a real, structured dataset.
std::cout << "50 dimensions captured " << (100.0 * varianceRetained) << "\% of "
    << "the data variance." << std::endl;

πŸ”— Advanced Functionality: Different Decomposition Strategies

By default, PCA uses the full exact singular value decomposition (SVD) to transform data. However, for very large datasets, it may be faster to use alternative strategies, some of which may be approximate. The PCA class has one template parameter that allows different decomposition strategies to be used. The full signature of the class is:


DecompositionPolicy specifies the strategy to be used to compute the singular values and vectors of a data matrix.

Several decomposition policies are already implemented and ready for drop-in usage:

The simple example program below uses all four decomposition types on the same MNIST data, timing how long each decomposition takes.

arma::mat data;
// See https://datasets.mlpack.org/mnist.train.csv.
mlpack::data::Load("mnist.train.csv", data, true);

arma::mat output1, output2, output3, output4;

mlpack::PCA<mlpack::ExactSVDPolicy> pca1;
mlpack::PCA<mlpack::RandomizedSVDPCAPolicy> pca2;
mlpack::PCA<mlpack::RandomizedBlockKrylovSVDPolicy> pca3;
mlpack::PCA<mlpack::QUICSVDPolicy> pca4;

// Compute decompositions on all four, timing each one.
arma::wall_clock c;

pca1.Apply(data, output1);
const double pca1Time = c.toc();

pca2.Apply(data, output2);
const double pca2Time = c.toc();

pca3.Apply(data, output3);
const double pca3Time = c.toc();

pca4.Apply(data, output4);
const double pca4Time = c.toc();

std::cout << "PCA computation times for " << data.n_rows << " x " << data.n_cols
    << " data:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - ExactSVDPolicy:                 " << pca1Time << "s."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << " - RandomizedSVDPCAPolicy:         " << pca2Time << "s."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << " - RandomizedBlockKrylovSVDPolicy: " << pca3Time << "s."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << " - QUICSVDPolicy:                  " << pca4Time << "s."
    << std::endl;

Custom decomposition policies

Instead of using the predefined classes above, it is also possible to implement fully custom functionality via a new decomposition policy. Any new decomposition policy must implement one method:

class CustomDecompositionPolicy
  // Given input data `data` and `centeredData`, compute the singular value
  // decomposition of the data, and then project the data onto the first `rank`
  // singular vectors.
  //  * `data` is the input matrix.  It is not guaranteed to be centered or
  //      scaled.
  //  * `centeredData` is the centered (and possibly scaled) version of the
  //      input matrix (e.g. the mean of each dimension is 0).
  //  * `transformedData` should be overwritten with the centered data's
  //      projection onto the singular vectors.
  //  * `svals` and `svecs` should be filled with the singular values and
  //      vectors of the centered data.
  //  * `rank` specifies the number of singular values/vectors to keep, and the
  //      dimension of `transformedData` should be equivalent to `rank`.  `rank`
  //      will be at most equal to `data.n_rows`.
  //  * `InMatType` is a dense floating-point matrix type, but may be a subview
  //      or expression.
  //  * `MatType` is the type of matrix used to represent data, and will be a
  //      dense floating-point matrix type (e.g. `arma::mat`, `arma::fmat`,
  //      etc.).
  //  * `VecType` is the corresponding vector type to `MatType` (e.g., a
  //      `MatType` of `arma::mat` would mean a `VecType` of `arma::vec`, etc.).
  template<typename MatType, typename MatType, typename VecType>
  static void Apply(const InMatType& data,
                    const MatType& centeredData,
                    MatType& transformedData,
                    VecType& svals,
                    MatType& svecs,
                    const size_t rank);