mlpack core class documentation

Underlying the implementations of mlpack’s machine learning algorithms are mlpack core support classes, each of which are documented on this page.

🔗 Core math utilities

mlpack provides a number of additional mathematical utility classes and functions on top of Armadillo.

🔗 Range

The Range class represents a simple mathematical range (i.e. [0, 3]), with the bounds represented as doubles.


Accessing and modifying range properties

Working with ranges


mlpack::Range r1(5.0, 6.0); // [5, 6]
mlpack::Range r2(7.0, 8.0); // [7, 8]

mlpack::Range r3 = r1 | r2; // [5, 8]
mlpack::Range r4 = r1 & r2; // empty range

bool b1 = r1.Contains(r2); // false
bool b2 = r1.Contains(5.5); // true
bool b3 = r1.Contains(r3); // true
bool b4 = r3.Contains(r4); // false

// Create a range of `float`s and a range of `int`s.
mlpack::RangeType<float> r5(1.0f, 1.5f); // [1.0, 1.5]
mlpack::RangeType<int> r6(3, 4); // [3, 4]

Range is used by:

🔗 ColumnCovariance()


// Generate a random data matrix with 100 points in 5 dimensions.
arma::mat data(5, 100, arma::fill::randu);

// Compute the covariance matrix of the column-major matrix.
arma::mat cov = mlpack::ColumnCovariance(data);
cov.print("Covariance of random matrix:");

🔗 ColumnsToBlocks

The ColumnsToBlocks class provides a way to transform data points (e.g. columns in a matrix) into a block matrix format, primarily useful for visualization as an image.

As a simple example, given a matrix with four columns A, B, C, and D, ColumnsToBlocks can transform this matrix into the form

[[m m m m m]
 [m A m B m]
 [m m m m m]
 [m C m D m]
 [m m m m m]]

where m is a margin, and where each column may itself be reshaped into a block.



🔗 Scaling values

ColumnsToBlocks also has the capability of linearly scaling values of the inputs to a given range.

Note: the margin element (ctb.BufValue()) is considered during the scaling process.

Transforming into block format


Reshape two 4-element vectors into one row of two blocks.

// This matrix has two columns.
arma::mat input;
input = { { -1.0000, 0.1429 },
          { -0.7143, 0.4286 },
          { -0.4286, 0.7143 },
          { -0.1429, 1.0000 } };
input.print("Input columns:");

arma::mat output;
mlpack::ColumnsToBlocks ctb(1, 2);
ctb.Transform(input, output);

// The columns of the input will be reshaped as a square which is
// surrounded by padding value -1 (this value could be changed with the
// BufValue() method):
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -0.4286  -1.0000   0.1429   0.7143  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -0.7143  -0.1429  -1.0000   0.4286   1.0000  -1.0000
// -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000  -1.0000
output.print("Output using 2x2 block size:");

// Now, let's change some parameters; let's have each input column output not
// as a square, but as a 4x1 vector.
ctb.Transform(input, output);

// The output here will be similar, but each maximal input is 4x1:
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000  0.1429 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.7143 -1.0000  0.4286 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.4286 -1.0000  0.7143 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -0.1429 -1.0000  1.0000 -1.0000
// -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000
output.print("Output using 4x1 block size:");

Load simple images and reshape into blocks.

// Load some favicons from websites associated with mlpack.
std::vector<std::string> images;
// See the following files:
// -
// -
// - 
// -

mlpack::data::ImageInfo info;
info.Channels() = 1; // Force loading in grayscale.

arma::mat matrix;
mlpack::data::Load(images, matrix, info, true);

// Now `matrix` has 4 columns, each of which is an individual image.
// Let's save that as its own image just for visualization.
mlpack::data::ImageInfo outInfo(matrix.n_cols, matrix.n_rows, 1);
mlpack::data::Save("favicons-matrix.png", matrix, outInfo, true);

// Use ColumnsToBlocks to create a 2x2 block matrix holding each image.
mlpack::ColumnsToBlocks ctb(2, 2);
ctb.BufValue(0.0); // Use 0 for the margin value.
ctb.BufSize(2); // Use 2-pixel margins.

arma::mat blocks;
ctb.Transform(matrix, blocks);

mlpack::data::ImageInfo blockOutInfo(blocks.n_cols, blocks.n_rows, 1);
mlpack::data::Save("favicons-blocks.png", blocks, blockOutInfo, true);

The resulting images (before and after using ColumnsToBlocks) are shown below.


four favicons each as a column in a matrix, unintelligible


four favicons each as a block in a larger image, much better

See also

🔗 Distribution utilities


const double d1 = mlpack::Digamma(0.25);
const double d2 = mlpack::Digamma(1.0);

const double t1 = mlpack::Trigamma(0.25);
const double t2 = mlpack::Trigamma(1.0);

std::cout << "Digamma(0.25):  " << d1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Digamma(1.0):   " << d2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trigamma(0.25): " << t1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trigamma(1.0):  " << t2 << "." << std::endl;

🔗 RandVector()


// Generate a random 10-dimensional vector.
arma::vec v;
v.print("Random 10-dimensional vector: ");

std::cout << "Random 10-dimensional vector: " << std::endl;
std::cout << v.t();
std::cout << "L2-norm of vector (should be 1): " << arma::norm(v, 2) << "."
    << std::endl;

🔗 Logarithmic utilities

mlpack contains a few functions that are useful for working with logarithms, or vectors containing logarithms.

🔗 MultiplyCube2Cube()

Example usage:

// Generate two random cubes.
arma::cube x(10, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 10x100.
arma::cube y(12, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x100.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyCube2Cube(x, y, false, true);

// Output size should be 10x12x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;

🔗 MultiplyMat2Cube()

Example usage:

// Generate random inputs.
arma::mat  x(10, 100,    arma::fill::randu); // Random 10x100 matrix.
arma::cube y(12, 100, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x100.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyMat2Cube(x, y, false, true);

// Output size should be 10x12x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;

🔗 MultiplyCube2Mat()

Example usage:

// Generate two random cubes.
arma::cube x(12, 50, 5, arma::fill::randu); // 5 matrices, each 12x50.
arma::mat  y(12, 60,    arma::fill::randu); // Random 12x60 matrix.

arma::cube z = mlpack::MultiplyCube2Mat(x, y, true, false);

// Output size should be 50x60x5.
std::cout << "Output size: " << z.n_rows << "x" << z.n_cols << "x" << z.n_slices
    << "." << std::endl;

🔗 Quantile()

Example usage:

// 70% of points from N(0, 1) are less than q1 = 0.524.
double q1 = mlpack::Quantile(0.7);

// 90% of points from N(0, 1) are less than q2 = 1.282.
double q2 = mlpack::Quantile(0.9);

// 50% of points from N(1, 1) are less than q3 = 1.0.
double q3 = mlpack::Quantile(0.5, 1.0); // Quantile of 1.0 for N(1, 1) is 1.0.

// 10% of points from N(1, 0.1) are less than q4 = 0.871.
double q4 = mlpack::Quantile(0.1, 1.0, 0.1);

std::cout << "Quantile(0.7): " << q1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.9): " << q2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.5, 1.0): " << q3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quantile(0.1, 1.0, 0.1): " << q4 << "." << std::endl;

🔗 RNG and random number utilities

On top of the random number generation support that Armadillo provides via randu(), randn(), and randi(), mlpack provides a few additional thread-safe random number generation functions for generating random scalar values.


mlpack::RandomSeed(123); // Set a specific random seed.

const double r1 = mlpack::Random();             // In the range [0, 1).
const double r2 = mlpack::Random(3, 4);         // In the range [3, 4).
const double r3 = mlpack::RandBernoulli(0.25);  // P(1) = 0.25.
const int    r4 = mlpack::RandInt(10);          // In the range [0, 10).
const int    r5 = mlpack::RandInt(5, 10);       // In the range [5, 10).
const double r6 = mlpack::RandNormal();         // r6 ~ N(0, 1).
const double r7 = mlpack::RandNormal(2.0, 3.0); // r7 ~ N(2, 3).

std::cout << "Random():            " << r1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Random(3, 4):        " << r2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandBernoulli(0.25): " << r3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandInt(10):         " << r4 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandInt(5, 10):      " << r5 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandNormal():        " << r6 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RandNormal(2, 3):    " << r7 << "." << std::endl;

🔗 RandomBasis()

The RandomBasis() function generates a random d-dimensional orthogonal basis.


arma::mat basis;

// Generate a 10-dimensional random basis.
mlpack::RandomBasis(basis, 10);

// Each two vectors are orthogonal.
std::cout << "Dot product of basis vectors 2 and 4: "
    << arma::dot(basis.col(2), basis.col(4))
    << " (should be zero or very close!)." << std::endl;

🔗 ShuffleData()

Shuffle a column-major dataset and associated labels/responses, optionally with weights. This preserves the connection of each data point to its label (and optionally its weight).

Note: when inputData is a cube (e.g. arma::cube or similar), the columns of the cube will be shuffled.

Example usage:

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("iris.csv", dataset, true);
// See
arma::Row<size_t> labels;
mlpack::data::Load("iris.labels.csv", labels, true);

// Now shuffle the points in the iris dataset.
arma::mat shuffledDataset;
arma::Row<size_t> shuffledLabels;
mlpack::ShuffleData(dataset, labels, shuffledDataset, shuffledLabels);

std::cout << "Before shuffling, the first point was: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << dataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << labels[0] << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "After shuffling, the first point is: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << shuffledDataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << shuffledLabels[0] << "." << std::endl;

// Generate random weights, then shuffle those also.
arma::rowvec weights(dataset.n_cols, arma::fill::randu);
arma::rowvec shuffledWeights;
mlpack::ShuffleData(dataset, labels, weights, shuffledDataset, shuffledLabels,

std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Before shuffling with weights, the first point was: "
    << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << dataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << labels[0] << " and weight " << weights[0] << "."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "After shuffling with weights, the first point is: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "  " << shuffledDataset.col(0).t();
std::cout << "with label " << shuffledLabels[0] << " and weight "
    << shuffledWeights[0] << "." << std::endl;

🔗 Distributions

mlpack has support for a number of different distributions, each supporting the same API. These can be used with, for instance, the HMM class.

🔗 DiscreteDistribution

DiscreteDistribution represents a multidimensional categorical distribution (or generalized Bernoulli distribution) where integer-valued vectors (e.g. [0, 3, 4]) are associated with specific probabilities in each dimension.

Example: a 3-dimensional DiscreteDistribution will have a specific probability value associated with each integer value in each dimension. So, for the vector [0, 3, 4], P(0) in dimension 0 could be, e.g., 0.3, P(3) in dimension 1 could be, e.g., 0.4, and P(4) in dimension 2 could be, e.g., 0.6. Then, P([0, 3, 4]) would be 0.3 * 0.4 * 0.6 = 0.072.


Access and modify properties of distribution

Compute probabilities of points

Sample from the distribution

Fit the distribution to observations

Example usage:

// Create a single-dimension Bernoulli distribution: P([0]) = 0.3, P([1]) = 0.7.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution bernoulli(2);
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[0] = 0.3;
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7;

const double p1 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("0")); // p1 = 0.3.
const double p2 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("1")); // p2 = 0.7.

// Create a 3-dimensional discrete distribution by specifying the probabilities
// manually.
arma::vec probDim0 = arma::vec("0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1"); // 4 possible values.
arma::vec probDim1 = arma::vec("0.7 0.3");         // 2 possible values.
arma::vec probDim2 = arma::vec("0.4 0.4 0.2");     // 3 possible values.
std::vector<arma::vec> probs { probDim0, probDim1, probDim2 };
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d(probs);

arma::vec obs("2 0 1");
const double p3 = d.Probability(obs); // p3 = 0.5 * 0.7 * 0.4 = 0.14.

// Estimate a 10-dimensional discrete distribution.
// Each dimension takes values between 0 and 9.
arma::mat observations = arma::randi<arma::mat>(10, 1000,
    arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of the 10 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d2(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10"));

// Compute the probabilities of each point.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

🔗 GaussianDistribution

GaussianDistribution is a standard multivariate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and covariance.


Access and modify properties of distribution

Compute probabilities of points

Sample from the distribution

Fit the distribution to observations

Example usage:

// Create a Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and unit
// covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
g.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set a random covariance.
arma::mat newCov(3, 3, arma::fill::randu);
newCov *= newCov.t(); // Ensure covariance is positive semidefinite.
g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::GaussianDistribution g2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

🔗 Metrics

mlpack includes a number of distance metrics for its distance-based techniques. These all implement the same API, providing one Evaluate() method, and can be used with a variety of different techniques, including:

Supported metrics:

🔗 LMetric

The LMetric template class implements a generalized L-metric (L1-metric, L2-metric, etc.). The class has two template parameters:

LMetric<Power, TakeRoot>

Several convenient typedefs are available:

The static Evaluate() method can be used to compute the distance between two vectors.

Note: The vectors given to Evaluate() can have any type so long as the type implements the Armadillo API (e.g. arma::fvec, arma::sp_fvec, etc.).

Example usage:

// Create two vectors: [0, 1.0, 5.0] and [1.0, 3.0, 5.0].
arma::vec a("0.0 1.0 5.0");
arma::vec b("1.0 3.0 5.0");

const double d1 = mlpack::ManhattanDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d1 = 3.0
const double d2 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d2 = 2.24
const double d3 = mlpack::SquaredEuclideanDistance::Evaluate(a, b); // d3 = 5.0
const double d4 = mlpack::ChebyshevDistance::Evaluate(a, b);        // d4 = 2.0
const double d5 = mlpack::LMetric<4>::Evaluate(a, b);               // d5 = 2.03
const double d6 = mlpack::LMetric<3, false>::Evaluate(a, b);        // d6 = 9.0

std::cout << "Manhattan distance:         " << d1 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Euclidean distance:         " << d2 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Squared Euclidean distance: " << d3 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Chebyshev distance:         " << d4 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "L4-distance:                " << d5 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cubed L3-distance:          " << d6 << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the distance between two random 10-dimensional vectors in a matrix.
arma::mat m(10, 100, arma::fill::randu);

const double d7 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(m.col(0), m.col(7));

std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Distance between two random vectors: " << d7 << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Compute the distance between two 32-bit precision `float` vectors.
arma::fvec fa("0.0 1.0 5.0");
arma::fvec fb("1.0 3.0 5.0");

const double d8 = mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(fa, fb); // d8 = 2.236

std::cout << "Euclidean distance (fvec): " << d8 << "." << std::endl;

🔗 Kernels

mlpack includes a number of Mercer kernels for its kernel-based techniques. These all implement the same API, providing one Evaluate() method, and can be used with a variety of different techniques, including:

Supported kernels:

🔗 GaussianKernel

The GaussianKernel class implements the standard Gaussian kernel (also called the radial basis function kernel or RBF kernel).

The Gaussian kernel is defined as: k(x1, x2) = exp(-|| x1 - x2 ||^2 / (2 * bw^2)) where bw is the bandwidth parameter of the kernel.

Constructors and properties

Kernel evaluation

Other utilities

Example usage:

// Create a Gaussian kernel with default bandwidth.
mlpack::GaussianKernel g;

// Create a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth 5.0.
mlpack::GaussianKernel g2(5.0);

// Evaluate the kernel value between two 3-dimensional points.
arma::vec x1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::vec x2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k1 = g.Evaluate(x1, x2);
const double k2 = g2.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel values: " << k1 << " (bw=1.0), " << k2 << " (bw=5.0)."
    << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value when the distance between two points is already
// computed.
const double distance = 1.5;
const double k3 = g.Evaluate(distance);

// Change the bandwidth of the kernel to 2.5.
const double k4 = g.Evaluate(x1, x2);
std::cout << "Kernel value with bw=2.5: " << k4 << "." << std::endl;

// Evaluate the kernel value between x1 and all points in a random matrix.
arma::mat r(3, 100, arma::fill::randu);
arma::vec kernelValues(100);
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.n_cols; ++i)
  kernelValues[i] = g.Evaluate(x1, r.col(i));
std::cout << "Average kernel value for random points: "
    << arma::mean(kernelValues) << "." << std::endl;

// Compute the kernel value between two 32-bit floating-point vectors.
arma::fvec fx1("0.5 1.0 1.5");
arma::fvec fx2("1.5 1.0 0.5");
const double k5 = g.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);
const double k6 = g2.Evaluate(fx1, fx2);